

This is a blog I specifically set up as a journal to follow my every step at learning how to play the Xun as well as its historical context and background.

Plan of Attack:

  • I ordered the Xun from a reputable manufacturer for the instrument in China. Their customer service is impeccable as they include a "starter pack" for everyone who purchased one of their instrument. The starter pack includes: 
  1. A Tutorial Booklet: teaching the buyers step-by-step from how to make a sound on the instrument, to fingerings, variation techniques, embellishing techniques, and several written music scores (in Numbered Music Notation)
  2. A Book about the Numbered Music Notation: included some basic music theory and teaches reader how to read and understand the notation
So as far as learning how to play it, I'm going to mainly rely on the starter pack.
  • There is also an abundant source of video recorded performances of the instrument on the internet, so that would also be a way for me to get a better grasp on how the techniques are performed. The video streaming websites that I'm going to refer to the most are:
  • Try to get in touch with maker of the Xun and interview him about how the Xun is made, and how do they tune the instrument, and anything else related to the instrument to perhaps gain more insight to the background of the instrument.
  • Read journal articles about ancient Chinese folk music and find out more about how Xun fits into the picture.
That's all I can think of for now!! Now all I have to do is wait for my shipment to come in!! Can't wait!!

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